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Vol 15, No 3 (2018)
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56-70 716

The results of experimental study of the effectiveness of optimization procedures for systems of Boolean functions which are used in the synthesis of combinational circuits are described. The procedures use algorithms for partitioning systems of functions into subsystems and algorithms for optimizing multilevel representations of functions based on Shannon decomposition. The Shannon decomposition uses the procedure for finding inverse subfunctions, contained  in decomposition result (BDDI-optimization). It is shown that these procedures can reduce the area of combinational circuits from library gates in many cases in the process of synthesis. Joint BDDI optimization is more preferable method in comparison to separate technologically independent BDDI optimization, since the area of circuits built on joint BDDI is smaller than the area of circuits built on separate BDDI in most cases.


102-112 938

A mathematical model describing the propagation of monochromatic electromagnetic waves in a medium with spatial dispersion containing spheroidal particles of the along prescribed direction has been developed. The initial classical integro-differential model for electromagnetic fields in a medium with spatial dispersion is transformed, within the third-order infinitesimal, to the differential model, where the integro-differential Maxwell equations are represented as  a system of second-order differential equations. In this case electrical and magnetic polarizations of the medium are given          in the Laplace operators. This system of equations is analytically solved; a complete system of four forward and four  backward counter-propagating electromagnetic waves is formed. The analytical representation of the fields includes a vector determining the propagation direction of plane waves. Wave numbers of the fields also depend on their propagation  directions pointing to anisotropic character of the developed mathematical model.


7-21 790

This paper is devoted to the analysis of basic hardware and software of recent cheap and commercially available computing microplatforms for selecting an appropriate solution for development of an onboard micromodule for preliminary recognition and selection of images of underlying surface of given types. It is assumed that the corresponding versions of the micromodule can be installed on board of small spacecraft or light unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). In this paper we consider a variant of a micromodule for drones. When choosing a microplatform, the main limitations were its low weight (no more than 300 g, including camera and interface equipment) and its relatively high performance (time for frame processing of a color image 320×240 pixels is no more than 300 ms). Another important limitation was the low price and commercial availability of microplatform on the Belarusian market. The information provided in this paper could be useful for engineers and researchers who are developing compact budget mobile systems for processing, analyzing and recognition of images.

22-31 792

Nowadays the methodology for designing systems on a chip is based on highly parameterized IP               (itellectual property) components which provide a wide range of adjustment of resources, fixed point arithmetic data formats, and system performance for a specific application. The article describes a flexible technology for rapid prototyping of processor architectures for integer, invertible, paraunitary filter banks in quaternion algebra (Int-Q-PUFB) based on the FPGA Q-MUL IP-component as multiplication operator for quaternions on distributed arithmetic on adders. Implementation of Int-Q-PUFB on FPGA Xilinx Zynq 7010, with 8-channel 8x24 Int-Q-PUFB has a perfect reconstruction property of the input data for a fixed point format, small hardware resource utilization and a slight delay in the pipeline compared to the known solutions for CORDIC-processors and distributed arithmetic on the memory.

32-40 673
The article studies the technique of synthesis of random sequence filters with unknown prior statistical      information about the parameters of signal and noises. The synthesis uses only current measurements and a limited amount of empirical information, which leads to the necessity of using a deterministic approach based on the least squares method. In order to obtain a recursive filtering algorithm, it is proposed to extend the structure of the method loss function by  including in loss function an additional term that defines the estimate extrapolation for the next measurement period. The optimal current estimate is based on both measurement results and extrapolated values. The extrapolation function is selected based on the desired class of synthesized filter. The paper considers a variant of polynomial extrapolation, taking into account previous estimates and measurements. The use of only previous estimates leads to the structure of the filter with feedback, while the use of only the previous measurements forms a transversal filter. Mathematical modeling was carried out and on particular example and the loss of filtering accuracy by not taking into account a priori statistical information was estimated.
41-55 1141

Properties of a popular measure of comparing a digital image with a reference – the index of structural    similarity, called SSIM in the literature – are explored. It is proved that the SSIM and its derivative functions are not metrics. Variants of the index modification are described. It is shown that measures similar to this index evaluate not quality of   images, but their similarity by fragments. Additionally, it is shown that the averaged expert assessments called MOS are very subjective and cannot exact correlate with numerical estimates of similarity of the compared images. To get the SSIM index, a matrix of local estimates is calculated. Each evaluation determines similarity of two analyzed pixels with the same coordinates taking into account neighboring pixels. Usually, the average arithmetic value of the obtained matrix is used as the SSIM index. Instead, to improve the SSIM index, it is proposed to use the scale parameter of the Weibull distribution, which approximates the histogram of the local index estimates. On a set of images from the public database TID2013, it is shown that the proposed parameter is a more accurate characteristic of image similarity than the mean of local estimates. 



71-92 1162

An improved variant of the algorithm realizing a method of proportional guidance for the control of         hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a limited sector of angular tracking associated with the aerodynamic target line is considered. The method provides stable guidance of the control object with angles of anticipation that do not exceed the maximum allowable limits. Analytic expressions describing the algorithm of calculation of guidance commands and    correction signals adaptive to the motion parameters are given. The tracking and guidance of the UAVs are realized in a wide range of ranges, heights and speeds of the interception. The results of mathematical modeling of the problem of spatial      interception of the aerodynamic target, as well as comparative analysis and preliminary estimation of accuracy of guidance of classical and modified variants of the method of proportional navigation are presented.

93-101 750

Although the specific technical standard of 5G has not been formulated yet at present.  However, spectrum efficiency will be a key developing direction for 5G wireless communication system from the research results which released by major international organizations. From this point of view, the nonorthogonal multiple access algorithm (NOMA) can satisfy both the demand rate and the spectral efficiency of mobile services.

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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)