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Vol 15, No 2 (2018)
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64-73 732

A mathematical models describing the propagation of monochromatic electromagnetic waves in the biisotropic medium with space dispersion is being developed. Modeling is based on the transformation of integro-differential equations for bi-isotropic medium to the differential equations electrodynamics, containing electrical and magnetic polarizations in operator form with differential Laplace operator. Within the developed model it is analytically constructed a full system of basic plane, spherical and cylindrical electromagnetic fields extending in the homogeneous bi-isotropic medium with space dispersion.


74-82 748

The article offers the method of subjective measurement of probability. For this purpose the concept of quantity which changes evenly from object to object is defined. The similar basic concept is successfully used in some researches to characterize non-physical quantities. To justify the method the functional relationship between objective and subjective probabilities established on the basis of Fechner’s and Stevens 's empirical laws is analyzed.



83-97 706

A formalized model of the activity of the collective of operators of an automated control system is developed, developed on the basis of the application of Buloshenko's aggregative approach in the form of a four-level aggregative system that includes aggregates of functional blocks, tasks, operators, and the collective of operators. Depending on the nature of the tasks being solved, it is proposed to use models of three levels: group, individual activity and an activity model that takes ergonomic factors into account. Generalized structural diagrams of all levels are presented, as well as the basic requirements and principles of the functioning of the blocks included in the model of the corresponding levels.


7-16 1275

This paper deals with the problem of generating artificial chest x-ray images which expected to be almost undistinguishable from real ones. Generation was performed using Generative Adversarial Nets (GAN). Similarity of resultant artificial images to the real ones was evaluated both by visual examination and by quantitative assessment using commonly known Local Binary Patterns. It was concluded that GANs can be successfully employed for generating realistically appearing artificial chest radiographs. However, an automatic procedure of selecting “most realistic” results is necessary for excluding the final visual quality control stage and making the whole generation process fully automatic.

17-28 676

There are two main tendencies in Medical Informatics. One is the development of core theory in the information technology itself and the other one is the use of technologies in applications for health improvement. In recent years, the deployment of Health Information Technology (HIS) applications and Laboratory Information System (LIS) in some big hospitals have enhanced the quality of administrative management and actively supported the diagnosis and treatment tasks of the physician. In this paper, we will present an architectural model of the Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (MDL)

29-44 841

Nowadays the methodology for designing systems on a chip is based on highly parameterized IP components which provide a wide range of adjustment of costs in resources, fixed point arithmetic data formats and system performance for a specific target application. The article presents a systematic approach for synthesizing FPGA architectures of integer reversible paraunitary filter banks in quaternion algebra (Int-Q-PUBB) for L2L (lossless-to-lossy) image transformed encoding. It is shown that the basic elementary transformation of the filter bank is the operation of quaternion multiplication (Q-MUL), the block-lifting factorization of which and the distributed arithmetic on the adder are the basis of the parametrizable Q-MUL IP-component.

45-54 665

Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is an international classification system that corresponds to the essential classification requirements: internationalism, universality, expansiveness. UDC Tables were translated and published fully or partially in more than 40 languages. UDC is used in nearly 130 countries. In Belarus UDC has been used for the last 50 years. But the official edition of UDC in the Belarusian language was released only in 2016. An alphabetic subject index (ASI) that makes more than a quarter of the edition was prepared with the help of an algorithm, which automated its creation. In the main part of the article an approach to automated ASI generation for Belarusian UDC edition is described in detail. Authors review ASI requirements, compare ASI formats used in different countries. Electronic linguistic resources needed for the automated generation of ASI are described in the article. The detailed step-by-step algorithm is provided. As confirmation of efficiency and correctness of the algorithm, a program prototype of ASI generation system was developed and described in the article. This prototype was directly used in ASI creation for the first edition of UDC in the Belarusian language.


55-63 722

The article presents a parallel version of the detector of extremal key points, which are used to describe, analyze and compare digital images by local descriptors. Local descriptors are determined in neighborhoods of the extremal key points. The orientation of the descriptors are found with aid of Histograms of Oriented Gradient. The specificity of the parallel architecture of NVIDIA graphics cards has been taken into account in the developed version, oriented to the implementation on CUDA. It accelerated the calculation of the extremal key points by several orders. Computation of the not oriented extremal key points for images of the FullHD-size on the budget graphics card takes 5–6 ms. The oriented extremal key points are computed within 11–12 ms.


98-110 959

The article studies the problem of creating a neural network of modular computing structures for highperformance expressions in the field of information security. The main attention is paid to the reduction technology of position-modular transformation of scalable integers, which serves as the basis for constructing the so-called neural networks of the finite ring (NNFR). To increase the speed of convergence of the reduction scheme used to reduce the number of elements of the generated sequence of residues, an effective tabular method is proposed. The developed approach makes it possible to reduce the number of iterations of the reduction process to a theoretical minimum. This is achieved through flexible adaptive mechanism check botheration deductions to a special range, allowing a tabular decomposition of its elements into pairs of residues in modules of the modular number system. On the basis of a modified reduction method there was synthesized a fast algorithm and a parallel structure of the NNFR with feedback, which ensures the implementation of the reduction scheme in a time order (S(⌈log2b⌉+1) +2)tsum, were S – the number of iterations, b – the bit width of the input number, – the duration of the addition operation of two deductions.


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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)