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No 3 (2015)
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81-89 674

This article presents a method of investigation of nonlinear objects operating within specified range of output coordinates. The effect of nonlinear behavior of objects is considered, which is detected by measurable characteristics. New approaches to decibel-log frequency response measurement are proposed. Special testing method that realizes complete cycle of object identification is developed. The method is applied for investigation of real objects with high efficiency.

90-104 1923

In this review paper, the problem of the design of energy-efficient electronic systems is considered. Different energy-saving methods are presented. The necessity of additional tools of formal behavioral description of the power subsystem is explained. The elements of the power domain energy subsystem are explained, the design stages for the system with power domains are presented. Unified Power Format (UPF) is presented as a tool to describe power intent in a low- power system. An example system with the UPF-description is presented.


51-61 1111

Multi-server retrial queueing system with no buffer and two types of customers is analyzed as the model of cognitive radio system. Customers of type 1 have a preemptive priority. Customers of both types arrive according to Markovian Arrival Processes. Service times have exponential distribution with parameter depending on the customer type. Type 2 customers are admitted for service only if the number of busy servers is less than the predefined threshold. The rejected type 2 customers retry for the service. Existence condition of the stationary mode of system operation is derived. Formulas for computing key performance measures of the system are presented.

62-71 688

A model of nonlinear elasto-plastic material is proposed. Continuity condition is formulated in transition from an active to passive weighting, which is provided in a regular point of the flow surface with a non-positive specific power of deformation. If the latter condition is not satisfied, there is no transition continuity. In this case, possibility of description of the phenomenon of «locking» the range of high pressure is considered in transition of material from plastic to elastic state.

72-80 720

A problem of design of a flow line composed of stationary machines is considered. Mathematical models and methods for synthesis of manufacturing process structure are proposed. The models take into account main technological and structural constraints with the criterion of minimizing the line equipment cost. A decomposition scheme for solving the initial problem and its formulation in terms of a mixed linear problem are developed. Computational results are also presented.


5-12 810

This paper presents results of comparative analysis of image descriptors in the context of content- based medical image retrieval problem. Experiments are carried out on 11 test databases using 137 different types of descriptors. Image descriptors based on co-occurrence matrices and local binary patterns showed the best performance.

13-28 905

This paper illustrates rapid prototyping method applied for mobile multimedia systems with L2L (lossless-to-lossy) compression scheme. Debug module Xilinx ML-401 based on the FPGA (Filed Programmable Gate Array) is taken as the basis. Microblaze soft-processor is used as the main control unit. Proposed DCT-IDCT cores are developed using VHDL hardware description language as FSL (Fast Simples Link) coprocessors for Microblaze or standalone PLB (Processor Logical Bus) acceleration peripheral. Result of image processing is displayed on the screen connected via VGA interface. Proposed recursive architecture of DCT-IDCT core can be used as a basis of L2L coder.

29-41 750

We consider problem of assembling a common image of VLSI layout. Common image is composed
of frames obtained by electron microscope photographing. Many frames require a lot of computation for positioning each frame inside the common image. Employing graphics processing units enables acceleration of computations. We realize algorithms and programs for assembling a common image of VLSI layout. Specificity of this work is to use abilities of CUDA to reduce computation time. Experimental results show efficiency of the proposed programs.

42-50 767

Methods of predicting patient’s facial profile after malocclusion treatment are considered. Methods are based on the orthognathic models data base search for the profile, demonstrating the best patient’s face after the planned treatment. Practical application of these methods provides an opportunity to demonstrate the face after the planned treatment to the patient at the stage of preliminary diagnosis and can be useful for orthodontists in treatment planning and correction.


105-116 830

Problem of information security systems certification is analyzed and the tasks of initial data analysis are carried out. The objectives, indices and decision making criteria, as well as the challenges to be addressed are formulated. It is shown that, in order to improve quality, reduce time and cost of preparation for certification, it is reasonable to use software system for automatization of the process of initial data analysis, presented by the owner of the information system.

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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)