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No 2 (2013)
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5-10 845
In the article the technique of the automated compiling of differential equations of motion of the two-dimensional anthropomorphic robot is reviewed. The technique of activity with the results of numerical calculations in the system of computer mathematics «Mathematica», its animation capabilities and the export of the results in the generally accepted format of saving and reviewing of the video information «.gif» is described.
11-21 741
A procedure of solving problem of monochromatic arbitrarily polarized electromagnetic wave
passage through a planar screen of a inhomogeneous bianisotropik faradey material is developed. Characteristic dependencies of the coefficients of reflection and transmissions through the screens with various anisotropy and chiral parameters from the frequency and incidence angle are calculated.
22-29 870
In this paper we consider the container transshipment problem at a railway hub. New lower
bounds are developed. One lower bound is based on the linear relaxation of the integer linear formulation, and the other lower bound is based on the Lagrangian relaxation technique.
30-40 693
The problems of scientific and methodological support for the development of informatization in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the National Programm of accelerating the Development of Services in information and communication technologies for the period till 2015, as well as the basic principles of the Strategy of Information Society Development in Belarus are considered.
41-45 738
The place of informatics and other information disciplines of scientific specialties, their links
with discussions about the nature of the phenomenon of information, as well as the trends of unification of information science and computer science in the U.S. and Europe are considered. The methods of ordering the range of specialties of reserchers in Russia are suggested.
46-54 1389
The state, characteristics and prospects of the development of information society in Belarus are considered, including Internet, ICT infrastructure, e-services, development problems, and intermediate results.
55-60 709
The questions of development, establishment and operation of the state System of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus, its main elements and key directions of the development and improvement are considered.
61-66 755
The questions of the construction and operation of the unified telemedicine electronic consulting system are considered, as well as relevant directions of telemedicine consultations development.
67-70 758
The main activities of Belarusian archives in the implementation of modern information technologies, including documents digitization and providing access to historical information in Internet are considered.
71-85 801
The analysis of the results of the work on the development of the state system of scientific
and technical information of the Republic of Belarus in 2006–2010, as well as its prospects till 2015 are presented. The tasks of creation of a modern telecommunications  infrastructure GSNTI, and the formation of relevant and reliable information resources for innovation and scientific activities are considered.
86-89 1345
The current state of the generation, use and dissemination of electronic information resources is analyzed. The integration of information resources and services through the application of advanced technologies of metadata have been considered. An approach aimed at creating a single information space of research and educational resources of open access is offered.
90-94 836
The importance of patent information and documentation for innovative development of scientific, commercial and industrial sectors of the economy of Belarus is demonstrated. The content of the official publications of the National Center of Intellectual Property is analyzed. The main problems of the patent information support and the ways to improve access to patent information resources of Belarus are determined.
95-99 659
The role of the Republican Scientific Medical Library in the functioning and development of the scientific-technical health care information system is considered.
100-104 4539
The issues and current problems of the library business of Belarus are considered. The main directions of the state policy in the field of librarianship are identified.
105-110 766
The qualitative composition of the information resources to be provided for the Central Science Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, organization and forms of information services for researchers using information and communication technologies are considered.
111-116 768
The problems of creation and forming information resources on science and technology, the impact of information on the process of providing enterprises and organizations of Belarus with scientific and technical information are considered. Specific examples are given. Actual problems and tasks are identified.
117-122 676
The peculiarities of informatization in education, conceptual approaches to the creation of electronic libraries, as well as the content and the rating of the electronic library of Belarusian State University are considered.
123-131 753
The paper presents a composition of works performed in the framework of projects for the creation and development of the corporative library automatization system in Belarus. The systems and the automation technologies of library and information activities implemented in these projects are considered.
132-136 897
The results of upgrading Automated Library Information System BIT-2000u at the Y. Kolas
Central Science Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus by means of RFIDtechnologies are considered.


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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)