No 2 (2014)
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84-97 820
The software package GeneExpressionAnalyser for analysis of the DNA microarray experi-mental data has been developed. The algorithms of data analysis, differentially expressed genes and biological functions of the cell are described. The efficiency of the developed package is tested on the published experimental data devoted to the time-course research of the changes in the human cell un-der the influence of IFN-γ on melanoma. The developed software has a number of advantages over the existing software: it is free, has a simple and intuitive graphical interface, allows to analyze different types of DNA microarrays, contains a set of methods for complete data analysis and performs effec-tive gene annotation for a selected list of genes.
98-108 728
The paper presents a new algorithm for digital servosystem circular tracking transition error compensation. This algorithm is easily realized and ensures high system stability in the circular mode of operation with oscillating perturbations. Comparative assessment of this algorithm with other solving procedures for this problem is made. Digital modeling is applied to verify the effec-tiveness of this algorithm. A block diagram that realizes this algorithm is presented to be used in a practical application.
109-116 823
A measuring system is designed for full-scale testing of units and aggregates of mobile ma-chines in order to verify their compliance with the standards defined by the product specification. The system is designed and manufactured using modern components, which provide unique properties: multi-channel, versatility, synchronicity and remote management.
117-123 994
A mathematical model for optimal placement of Wi-Fi access points under the given quality of service is developed. A modified genetic algorithm for optimal placement of Wi-Fi access points is worked out. Probation of the results is carried out for a test area.
36-48 890
An analytical solution of a boundary problem describing the process of penetration of a sound field of a spherical radiator located inside a thin unclosed spherical shell through a flat elastic layer is constructed. An influence of some parameters of the problem on the value of the attenuation coeffi-cient (screening) of the sound field was studied by using a numerical simulation.
49-57 726
A prospective approach to the development of nonlinear models of elastoplasticity based on the gen-eralization of nonlinear elasticity models is considered. For generalized Murnagan information, a way of finding a normal vector to the surface of deviatoric section under the condition of anisotropy is suggested.
58-65 743
The paper proposes a population model with the event-step structure, which includes continuous and discrete components. The dynamics of a hybrid system is analyzed in a computing environment based on the numerical solution of the sequence of Cauchy problems for the system of differential equations of generations decrease. We examine the dynamics of the functional iteration, which has two local extrema and characterizes the impermanence of the fish reproduction effectiveness. A transi-tional aperiodic regime is established with the possibility of attracting the trajectory to two attractors. After the bifurcation of disappearance of two nontrivial stationary points, an interval attractor arises for which a boundary crisis is possible.
66-83 994
The paper gives a brief scope of Hotel Revenue Management theory and discusses its basic def-initions. It also suggests a new classification of Revenue Management processes and surveys dynamic pricing, forecasting and optimization models employed in Hotel Revenue Management. Last section proposes promising directions of future research.
5-24 2242
An implementation of digital hearing aid based on the mobile computing platform iPhone is proposed. The developed signal processing scheme has a low delay, takes into account characteristics of the computing platform and allows to perform the correction of sensorineural hearing loss. The cor-rection is carried out by linear frequency-dependent amplification and wideband dynamic range com-pression of the signal. In order to take into consideration magnitude characteristic of loudspeakers, the audiometry is performed using iPhone directly. The experimental results of with proposed hearing aid are given.
25-35 759
The article describes methods of «grapheme – phoneme» and «phoneme – allophone» conversions for Belarusian and Russian speech synthesis. For speech synthesizers on mobile platforms, the rule-based method has been selected. The article describes text processing algorithms at the input phase and rules for «grapheme – phoneme» and «phoneme – allophone» conversions, providing allophone chains for an acoustic processor. The developed algorithms were evaluated with respect to the reference-class stationary Multiphone text-to-speech synthesis system. The test data demonstrates a high accuracy level: over 80% for word processing, over 98% for phoneme processing and over 96% for allophone processing (for Belarusian and Russian languages). The subsequent work will be devoted to the improvement of practical realization of the developed algorithms.
124-136 1260
A universal approach for generation of address sequences with specified properties is proposed and analyzed. A modified version of the Antonov and Saleev algorithm for Sobol sequences genera-tion is chosen as a mathematical description of the proposed method. Within the framework of the proposed universal approach, the Sobol sequences form a subset of the address sequences. Other sub-sets are also formed, which are Gray sequences, anti-Gray sequences, counter sequences and sequenc-es with specified properties.
ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)