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A peer-reviewed scientific journal “Informatics” has been  published four times a yearsince 2004. The journal is included in the list of scientific editions publishing the results of thesis research of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus. It is also included in the Science Index scientometric database.  Since December 2017 it has been included in the database of Russian Science Citation Index.

The activity of the "Informatics" journal aims to develop  international scientific cooperation in the field of information technologies.

The target audience is local and foreign authors, information technology specialists and young scientists.

The journal publishes original and review articles  on the results of fundamental and applied research of academic and university specialists in the field of computer science and information technologies. The main goal of the journal is to publish the most significant new results in this field .

Articles,  presenting the final results of scientific projects and thesis research, opening new areas of research at the intersection of computer science and other sciences, are welcome.

All materials submitted to the editorial office of the journal are reviewed. Articles are published in Russian, Belarusian and English.

Current issue

2025: Специальный выпуск
View or download the full issue PDF (Russian)

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