Application of nonparametric transformations for construction of local image features descriptors is considered. An approach based on scalable Bresenham circles for multiring nonparametric transformations is proposed. A problem of finding characteristic points (corners) in images is solved using two rings of small radius. Then, considering rings of greater radius a final decision is made concerning local features under investigation. Testing results of proposed local descriptors have demonstrated their competitiveness with known descriptors.
The technique of structural and parametric synthesis of the information model of the combat situation on the workstation of the decision maker is considered. The used method of diagonal matrix of events allows to form an effective structure, parameters and connections between the elements of the information model. The prototypes of dynamic elements of the information model are developed. The adequacy of the information model is tested. The effectiveness of the information model using the integral index of the quality of the human operator work is evaluated.
The technique of reliability parameters calculation of non-restorable objects with regard to errors in the initial data is proposed. The objects, the reliability of which is ensured by structural redundancy with limited multiplicity, are considered. Such objects include an on-board equipment of small spacecrafts.
The object of research is the tools to support the development of parallel programs in C/C ++. The methods and software which automates the process of designing parallel applications are proposed.
The paper presents a reliability enhancement method for an arbiter physically unclonable function (A-PUF). The proposed technique has reasonable challenge-response generation time and does not cause additional hardware overheads. A time difference of a test pulse delay has been used as a basis for A-PUF parametric model development. The proposed approach has been verified on a real programmable logic device.
Technology mapping program implements a sequential circuit using the gates of a particular technology library. It is an integral component of any automated VLSI circuit design flow. The structure of the program for solving the technology mapping problem and formats of the source and result data are presented. Models of intermediate representations of the sequential circuit and their conversions are described. Technology mapping is a stage of logic synthesis and it is viewed as the transformation of a functional (i.e., algebraic) circuit specification into a gate (i.e., netlist) specification. The program is included as project operations in the VLSI CAD system for energy-saving logical synthesis developed in the United Institute of Informatics Problems of NAS of Belarus.
Arkadij Dmitrievich Zakrevskij was at the beginnings of cybernetics origin in the Soviet Union. He is the founder of one of the known schools of logical design in the Soviet Union and all the world. This paper is devoted to the science heritage of A.D. Zakrevskij.
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)