The description and the operability analysis of the implemented instrumental software system «PlagiarismControl» has been done. The system affords to automatize solving the task of the identification of the adopted fragments in the given text document both from the local full-text user’s database and from the Internet. The system affords solving the task taking in account explicit as well as implicit adoptions with precision up to lexical units paradigms and both lexical and grammatical synonymy relations, according to the structural-functional schematic diagram of the system of the automatic recognition of reproduced fragments of the text documents. «PlagiarismControl» is able to work in different modes, to automatize the work of the expert and to speed up significantly the procedure of the analysis of the documents, with the purpose of recognition of the adoptions (plagiarism) from other text documents.
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For citations:
Krapivin Yu.B. SYSTEM «PlagiarismControl» AS THE TOOL FOR THE EXPERTISE OF THE TEXT DOCUMENTS. Informatics. 2018;15(1):103-109. (In Russ.)