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A problem of planning production of a vessel body section is considered. The problem is reduced to the classic Johnson’s tree-machine flow-shop scheduling problem. A genetic algorithm and computer experiment to compare efficiency of this algorithm and the algorithm of full enumeration are described.

About the Authors

A. G. Grivachevsky
Объединенный институт проблем информатики НАН Беларуси

V. D. Grivachevsky
Дальневосточный федеральный университет
Russian Federation

M. Y. Kovalyov
Объединенный институт проблем информатики НАН Беларуси

A. I. Suhomlinov
Дальневосточный федеральный университет
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Grivachevsky A.G., Grivachevsky V.D., Kovalyov M.Y., Suhomlinov A.I. PLANNING VESSEL BODY SECTION PRODUCTION. Informatics. 2015;(4):49-56. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)