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Analytical solution of problem of shielding low-frequency magnetic field by thin-walled cylindrical screen in presence of cylinder


The analytical solution of boundary value problem describing the process of penetration of low-frequency magnetic field through thin-walled cylindrical screen with cylindrical inclusion is constructed by use of approximate boundary conditions. The source of the field is a thin thread of infinitely small length with an infinitely small cross-section where current circulates. Thread is located in a plane which is perpendicular to axis of cylindrical screen, in outer region with respect to a screen. Initially the potential of initial magnetic field is represented as spherical harmonic functions, then using addition theorems connecting spherical and cylindrical harmonic functions, it became as cylindrical harmonic functions superposition. Secondary potentials of magnetic field are also presented as superposition of cylindrical harmonic functions in three-dimensional space. It is shown that the solution of formulated boundary value problem is reduced to the solution of linear algebraic equations system for coefficients included in the representation of secondary fields. The influence of some aspects of the problem on the value of the screening coefficient of an external magnetic field when passing through a cylindrical copper screen in the presence of a cylindrical inclusion is studied numerically. Calculation results are presented in graphs form. Obtained results can be used to shield technical devices and biological objects against the effects of magnetic fields to provide ecological surrounding of operating electrical installations and devices.

About the Author

G. Ch. Shushkevich
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

Gennady Ch. Shushkevich - Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Professor of Modern Programming Technologies Department.

St. Ozheshko, 22, Grodno, 230023


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For citations:

Shushkevich G.Ch. Analytical solution of problem of shielding low-frequency magnetic field by thin-walled cylindrical screen in presence of cylinder. Informatics. 2021;18(3):48-58. (In Russ.)

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