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Latest updates: 20.12.2021
The rules for authors are based on the CSE's White Paper on Promotion Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications, 2012 Update and ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, December 2016.
The scientific peer-reviewed journal "Informatiks" is published four times a year. The journal is included in the list of scientific publications for the publication of dissertation research (PhD thesis) of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus.
The activities of the Informatiks magazine are aimed at developing international scientific cooperation in the field of information technology. The target audience is domestic and foreign authors, information technology specialists and young scientists. The journal publishes original and review articles describing the results of fundamental and applied research by academic and university specialists in the field of computer science and information technology. The main goal of the journal is to publish the most significant new results in this area. Articles describing the final results of scientific projects and dissertation research, opening up new directions of research, which are at the intersection of computer science and other sciences, are welcome.
I. Recommendations to the author before submitting an article
Submission of an article to the journal "Informatiks" implies that:
- the article has not been previously published in another journal;
- the article is not under consideration in another journal;
- all co-authors agree with the publication of the current version of the article.
Before submitting an article for consideration, make sure that the file is presented in the format of a Microsoft Word document and that it contains all necessary information in Russian or English, figures and tables with names are placed in the text after links to them, references to literature are listed correctly and in proper order.
II. Structure and design of the article
The length of the original article should not exceed 17 pages. When formatting the text, margins of 2.5 are set on all sides, the font of the main text of the manuscript is 11 pt Times New Roman, the spacing between lines is single, the paragraph indent is 0.5 cm; for annotation text, keywords, acknowledgments, citation information, conflicts of interest - 10 pt Times New Roman, single line spacing.
The title page should include the following elements:
1. UDC (number of the thematic heading).
2. The title of the article in Russian and English in bold, 18 pt.
The writing style is lowercase. The maximum length for an article title is 10–12 words. Very long titles, like very short ones, are difficult for readers to perceive. The title of the article should be informative, corresponds to the scientific style of the text, and be easily perceived by readers and search engines. The use of abbreviations and formulas is not allowed.
3. Name of the author (s)
Authors are people who have been identified by the research team as key contributors to the work presented and who have agreed to take responsibility for their part of the work. The names of people who are not authors, but provided other support, are indicated in the "Acknowledgments" section.
The journal "Informatiks" accepts the following criteria for authorship:
1) significant contributions to research design, data collection or data analysis and interpretation;
2) preparation of an article or its critical revision in terms of significant intellectual content;
3) final approval of the version of the article for publication.
In Russian, when specifying the authors of the article, the given name and patronymic name should be first followed by surname (i.e. P. S. Ivanov, S. I. Petrov, I. P. Sidorov).
In English, when specifying the authors of the article, the format “given name, initial letter of patronymic name, surname” (i.e. Ivan I. Ivanov) is used. The surname in English must be indicated in accordance with the data of the passport or as it was indicated in previously published articles. When transliterating the last name and first name, you must use the BSI standard.
If there are several authors, at the end of the manuscript in the section "Contribution of authors" it is necessary to indicate the actual contribution to the work performed by each co-author (see paragraph 11 of these Rules). The sequence for specifying the authors of the article is agreed by them.
To the right of the surname of one of the authors who could be considered as a contact person for correspondence should be the sign of superscript index where the postal address of the organizations and his e-mail is indicated.
This section also lists the rank and other regalia, if available, indicates ORCID, Researcher ID.
4. Affiliation of the author (s)
Affiliation includes the following data: full official name of the organization, full postal address (street, house number, city, zip code, country). Authors are required to indicate all places of work relevant to the study. If authors from different institutions participated in the preparation of the article, it is necessary to indicate the affiliation of each author to a specific institution using a superscript index.
The official English-language name of the institution is required for the block of information in English. The official English-language name of the institution (in accordance with the charter of the organization) should be given without quotation marks, without indicating the organizational-legal form and departmental affiliation for correct indexing in international citation bases.
5. Abstract
The recommended length of a structured abstract is 150-250 words. The abstract should characterize the content of the manuscript as much as possible. The abstract of the articles should be structured: after a brief statement of the relevance of the topic, the following components should be briefly identified and described in separate subsections: Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusion. The headings of these sections are typed in the discharge.
When compiling an abstract of a review article, it is not required to highlight separate entitled subsections, but you should adhere to the same logic of presentation of the material as in the structure of the article.
The annotation should not include the newly introduced terms, abbreviations (except for well-known), references to literature.
6. Keywords
Keywords - the most significant words or phrases on the topic of work, reflecting the specifics of the topic, objects and research results. By keywords, the article is searched in databases.
The list of keywords should include 5-10 words or phrases that supplement the abstract and title of the article. One phrase should contain no more than three words, words in a phrase should not be separated by a comma, words with quotes are not used. Keywords are given in the nominative case and are separated by commas. There is no full stop after the keywords.
7. Acknowledgments
This section indicates all sources of research funding, as well as thanks to people who participated in the work on the article, but are not its authors. Participation in the work on the article implies recommendations for improving the research, providing materials for research, obtaining financial support, etc.
8. For citation
9. Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest is a condition whereby people have conflicting or competing interests that can influence editorial decisions. Conflicts of interest can be potential or perceived, as well as real. Objectivity can be influenced by personal, political, financial, scientific, or religious factors.
The author is obliged to notify the editor of a real or potential conflict of interest by including information about the conflict of interest in the appropriate section of the article.
If there is no conflict of interest, the author must also report it. An example of the wording: “The author declare of no conflict interest.”
10. Text of the article
For review articles (results of literature analysis), the Editorial board recommends to present the material in the following sequence:
- introduction, reflecting the urgency of the problem and ending with the formulation of the purpose of the work and its tasks;
- the main part, if necessary, divided into subsections and containing the results of the work and their discussion;
- conclusions (or conclusion).
The titles of sections of overview articles are determined by the author.
In original articles (results of the authors' own research), the IMRAD format is adopted (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion).
The introduction should contain a brief assessment of the current state of the problem, a justification of its relevance, the formulation of the goals and objectives of the work. The wording of the purpose of the work should correspond to the title of the article.
Methods. This section is required for original articles. It should contain a detailed description of the materials used, information about the objects and methods of research. The choice of experimental objects must be justified. It is necessary to indicate the conditions and sequence of operations when setting up experiments and computer programs used in the work. The description of the research method should be sufficient to reproduce it. Previously known methods should not be described in detail. It is sufficient to provide a link to the relevant source.
Results and discussion. The section should contain a detailed analysis of the results obtained. The presentation of the results should consist of the identifying the discovered patterns, and not in a mechanical retelling of the contents of tables and graphs. It is recommended to present the results in the past tense and in affirmative sentences.
All tables and figures in the manuscript should be mentioned in the text and placed as they are mentioned. The data of tables and figures should not duplicate each other.
Illustrative material can be black and white or color, but of good quality and suitable for printing.
All figures must have a figure caption (size 9 pt), which includes the figure's serial number and its title. There is no full stop at the end of the caption. If the article is published in Russian the translation of the caption and explanations for the figure into English should be placed below the caption in italics. Example:
Рис. 2. Примеры различных типов подстилающей поверхности Земли
Fig. 3. Examples of different types of the Earth's underlying surface
If there is only one figure in the text, it is not numbered. References to figures are made as follows: “In fig. 3 shows that ... "or" It was established that ... (Fig. 3) ".
It is not recommended to overload graphics and photographs with excessive text. Explanatory information should be placed in the caption below.
The tables should also be of good quality. Editable tables are preferred, not scanned or drawn.
Each table must have a title that includes the table's serial number and its title. The period after the heading of the table is not put. The name of the table and all data in it are typed in 9 pt font. If the article is published in Russian the name of the table must be translated into English. Translation of the table heading in italics should be placed under the table heading in Russian. Headings are centered.
Таблица 1. Матрица неточностей СНС для восьми типов подстилающей поверхности
Table 1. SNA uncertainty matrix for eight types of underlying surface
Класс изображения Class Images | Озеро Lake | Город City | Поле Field | Лес Forest | Шоссе Highway | Дорога Road | Река River | Дачи Cottages |
Озеро | 0,81 | 0,00 | 0,05 | 0,13 | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,01 | 0,00 |
Город | 0,03 | 0,60 | 0,04 | 0,01 | 0,07 | 0,01 | 0,01 | 0,23 |
Поле | 0,04 | 0,00 | 0,95 | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,01 | 0,00 | 0,00 |
Лес | 0,60 | 0,00 | 0,02 | 0,32 | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,05 | 0,00 |
Шоссе | 0,00 | 0,01 | 0,04 | 0,01 | 0,73 | 0,11 | 0,10 | 0,01 |
Дорога | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,01 | 0,00 | 0,05 | 0,91 | 0,04 | 0,00 |
Река | 0,03 | 0,00 | 0,09 | 0,02 | 0,05 | 0,29 | 0,47 | 0,04 |
Дачи | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,01 | 0,00 | 0,00 | 0,06 | 0,00 | 0,92 |
Tables are numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they appear in the text. If there is only one table in the text, then it is not numbered. References to tables are made as follows: “In table. 3 indicates that ... "or" It is indicated that ... (Table 3) ".
Empty cells in the table are not allowed. It is not recommended to use abbreviations of words in tables. If it is necessary to use abbreviations, their decoding is given in the notes to the table.
All data presented in the tables should correspond to those in the text of the manuscript.
Screenshots and photos
Photos, screenshots and other non-drawn illustrations must be uploaded separately in a special section for submitting an article as *.jpeg, * bmp, *.gif files (*doc and *.docx - in case if additional marks are applied to the image ). Image resolution must be> 300 dpi. Image files must be named according to the figure number in the text. In the description of the file, the caption should be given separately, which must correspond to the name of the photograph placed in the text.
Mathematical and chemical formulas, equations and symbols.
Callout mathematical formulas (drawn up in a separate line) must be typed in the MathType frame as a whole. Composite formulas where a table or text or an embedded frame is part of the formula is not allowed. Also, it is not allowed to insert formulas into the text as graphic elements (pictures). For formulas typed in MathType, general (by default in the program) font settings, character sizes and their placement should be used:
– numbers in formulas should be typed in roman type;
– alphabetic designations of quantities (symbols) for which the letters of the Latin alphabet are used in italics;
– abbreviated mathematical terms (for example: sin, cos, lg, lim, max) - in roman type;
– Russian letters (both in the formula itself and in indices) - in roman type, no full stop at the end of the index;
– indices - in roman type, for example, Nкон (i.e., Nконечное), Cmax, Sср;
– Greek letters - in upright type;
– vectors - in bold upright type;
– designations of chemical elements - in roman type.
Simple mathematical and chemical formulas (for example, a2 + b2 = c2; H2SO4) and single variables or designations must be typed in text mode without using embedded frames.
If the equation does not fit on one line, then it must be wrapped after the equal sign (=) or after the plus (+) or minus (-) signs, multiplication (×), and the sign at the beginning of the next line is repeated.
The explanation of the meanings of symbols and numerical coefficients should be given directly under the formula (equation) in the same sequence in which they are given in the formula (equation). Formulas and equations in the article are numbered by ordinal numbering throughout the article in Arabic numerals in parentheses (1) in the extreme right position on the line.
A = a + b. | (1) |
If the text contains only one formula (equation), it is not numbered. If the formula is transferred to the next page, then its numbering is repeated on the next page. Decimal places in numbers are typed with a comma, not a period (0,25 instead of 0.25); in English text, the opposite is true (0.25 instead of 0,25). In formulas only (•) is used as a multiplication sign.
Conclusion. The content of the section should correspond to the purpose of the study. One should not repeat word for word the wording given in the text of the article. In conclusion the following should be:
– the results of the information and analytical work performed, reflecting its theoretical and practical significance;
– practical conclusions from the research, the results of which are given in the article;
– recommendations for using the information given in the article in practice;
– unresolved issues and prospects to which it is advisable to pay attention to further research in this area.
11. Contribution of authors. In this section, it is necessary to indicate the contribution of each author to the work on the article. Contribution to work is an intellectual investment, without which part of the work or work as a whole could not be completed or the article was written. Attribution is the responsibility of the authors of the article, not the Editorial board.
In accordance with the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, December 2016, article authors may be persons whose contributions into the work is based on the following criteria:
- significant contribution to the concept or design of the work; collection, analysis or interpretation of work results;
- text writing and / or critical revision of its content;
- approval of the final version of the article for publication;
- agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work, due study and resolution of issues related to the reliability of data or the integrity of all parts of the article.
The examples of wording are not exhaustive, it is desirable to emphasize the uniqueness of the contribution of each of the authors, to detail his participation in the work on the article. In the original articles, it is necessary to indicate the name of the individual stages of the experimental work. The number of authors in original articles is not limited, in reviews articles - no more than four - five authors.
12. References
The list of used literature in Russian is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus (ГОСТ 7.1-2003). The cited literature is given as a general list as it is mentioned, references in the text are given by a serial number in square brackets, the page is indicated inside brackets, separated by commas and a space after the source number: [6, p. 8]; links to unpublished works are not allowed. Links to articles accepted for publication, but not yet published, should be marked with the words "in print"; authors must provide the editorial office of the journal with a written confirmation that they are accepted for publication.
It is advisable to include only indexed domestic and foreign sources in the list of references, mainly over the past five-seven years: articles from scientific journals and collections (including electronic ones), monographs. The number of sources in the original article should not exceed 60 (an increase in sources in the list of references is allowed, but must be justified).
It is undesirable to include abstracts, dissertations, textbooks, teaching aids, ГОСТs, information from sites, statistical reports, articles in socio-political newspapers, on sites and in blogs in the list of references. If it is necessary to refer to such information, the information on the source should be placed in a footnote (see paragraph 13 below).
References are prepared separately with the following structure: authors (transliteration), transliterated title of the monograph. Output data with symbols in English (see Examples of formatting below).
If only editors of the book are indicated, then after the surname should be put "eds." or "ed." (if there is only one editor). The titles of magazines, books, monographs, collections are in italics. The names of domestic journals and their transliteration are indicated in full. You can refuse transliterations of article titles. References to articles from journals must indicate the publication year, volume and number of the journal, page numbers.
Slash (/) is not used in bibliographic descriptions. All parts of the bibliographic description: the names of the authors, the titles of works, journals - are separated by a dot. Names of publishers, year of publication, number of the journal and pages of articles in periodicals are separated by comma. When describing an article in a periodical, instead of № should be no.
For Russian-language sources, the output data is duplicated in square brackets in the Latin alphabet. In this case, the names of authors and titles of journals are transliterated using the BSI standard. The end of the link indicates: (In Russ.).
When describing a source, its DOI (if assigned) should be indicated.
Links must be verified, the output must be verified on the official website of magazines and / or publishers.
References design examples
Article from a foreign source:
Zhang Z., Zhu D. Experimental research on the localized electrochemical micromachining. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2008, vol. 44, no. 8, pp. 926–930.
Monograph in a foreign language:
Boltanski L., Teveno L. Kritika i obosnovanie spravedlivosti. Ocherki sotziologii gradov. Criticism and justification of justice. Essays in Sociology grads. Moscow, NLO publ, 2013, 576 p.
Reference to editor or compiler:
Creasey R. K., Resnik R. (eds.) Maternal-Fetal Medicine: Principles and Practices. 5th ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 2004, 300 p.
Chapter from a monograph or collection:
Ivanova A. E. Tendencies and causes of death of the population of Russia. In: Osipov V. G., Rybakovsky L. L. (eds.) Demographic development of Russia in the 21st century. Moscow, Ekon-Inform, 2009, р. 110–31 (in Russ.)
Materials of scientific conferences
Topical Issues of Hematology and Transfusiology: Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference. July 8, 2009, St. Petersburg, 2009 (in Russ.)
Makarov A. V., Arutyunyan I. V., Apolikhina I. A., Teterina T. A., Saidova A. S. Tissue engineering designs for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. In: Materials of the II National Congress on Regenerative Medicine. Moscow, 2015, р. 109–110 (in Russ.)
Journal article
Zagurenko A. G., Korotovskikh V. A., Kolesnikov A. A., Timonov A. V., Kardymon D. V. Techno-economic optimization of the design of hydraulic fracturing. Oil Industry, 2008, no.11, pp. 54–57.
Links to Internet resources:
Swaminathan V., Lepkoswka-White E., Rao B. P. Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? Aninvestigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 1999, vol. 5, no. 2. Available at: http://www. jcmc/vol5/issue2/ (аccessed 28 April 2011).
Note: It is preferable to provide a link to the material from the site that is mentioned in the article. The link to the main page is not informative and does not provide an opportunity to verify the information.
13. Footnotes
Links to anonymous sources on the Internet, educational and methodological literature, State Standards, statistical reports, articles in socio-political newspapers and magazines, abstracts, dissertations (if it is not possible to cite articles published as the results of the dissertation research) are not included in the list of references. Citation of these sources should be in the form of footnotes (MS Word "Insert Footnote" tool). Footnotes are numbered in Arabic numerals and placed page by page. References to normative documents should be updated.
Links to non-indexed sources (abstracts1, dissertations2, educational and methodological literature3, regulatory documents4, ГОСТ5, legislative acts6, scientific and technical documentation (including research reports7), information from sites8 is given in the form of subscript links. Such links should be designed using the MS Word tool "Links" → "Insert footnote" (formatting - Arabic numerals).
For the materials posted on the Internet and not having official output data, the address of the electronic resource of this document is indicated.
Footnotes are numbered continuously, each footnote has its own unique number. When the source is mentioned again, it should have the next serial number. So, the same source can appear in the text of footnotes many times, as many as required in the text, but under different numbers.
If the next footnote repeats the previous one, it is permissible to replace the full name of the source in the footnote with the expression “Ibid”.
Multiple sources are allowed in one footnote.
Along with non-indexed sources, authors' comments to the text can be placed in subscript links.
14. Information about the authors
This section contains the full name of the authors, academic degree, title, position, organization name, ORCID in the format or another author's identifier in scientometric databases.
If the article in Russian the section information is duplicated in English.
15. Procedure for submitting a manuscript to the editor
To submit a manuscript of an article authors need to register on the journal's website, fill out an online form and download the article in the "Submit an article" section. When sending, the information about the authors must be indicated : the full name of all authors, academic degree, academic rank, position, department name, institution name, e-mail, telephone number for communication.
The text of the manuscript, as well as illustrative material are placed in one file in MS Word format (* .doc, * .docx). Bulky tables and figures can be downloaded additionally as separate files.
16. Interaction between the journal and the author
The editors of the journal are in correspondence with the responsible (contact) author, but if the team of authors wants, the letters could be sent to all authors whose e-mail addresses are indicated.
All manuscripts submitted to the journal "Informatiks" undergo a preliminary check for compliance with the requirements specified in the Rules for Authors. The article can be returned to the author (s) for revision with a request to eliminate the deficiencies. Also, at this stage, the article may be rejected due to inconsistency with the goals of the journal, lack of originality, low scientific value.
After checking for compliance with the requirements, the article is sent to the reviewer with an indication of the review period. The terms of reviewing in each individual case may change taking into account the creation of conditions for the most objective assessment of the quality of the materials provided, but should not exceed one month for the initial decision-making. As a rule, within two weeks the reviewer makes a conclusion about the possibility of printing the manuscript. When finalizing the article, the preparation time for each subsequent review is no more than 10 days. The number of improvements and reviews is not limited.
If there are comments from reviewers and/or the editor, the author is given 14 days to finalize the manuscript. If during this time the author has not submitted the corrected version of the article to the editorial office, the publication dates will be postponed. Failure by the author to submit the corrected version of the article within a month gives the editorial board the right to withdraw the article from publication, which is notified to the contact author. In this case, the manuscript can be submitted to the editorial office again, after which it goes through the full cycle of preparation for printing again.
The final decision on publication or rejection of the manuscript is made by the Editorial board of the journal. In controversial cases, the editor can involve several specialists for review. With a positive opinion of the reviewer the article is transferred to the editor for preparation for publication.
When a decision is made to refuse to publish an article, the editorial decision is sent to the author.
The percentage of rejected manuscripts is on average 10%.
The final version of the layout is sent to the responsible (contact) author to check the material. A response is expected from the authors within two days. In the absence of a response from the author, the layout of the article is considered approved.
17. Procedure for revising decisions of the editor / reviewer
If the author does not agree with the conclusion of the reviewer and/or the editor he can challenge the decision. In this case the author should argue his point of view in writing on each specific comment and send a letter to the editor.
18. Actions of the editors in case of detection of plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data
In case of detection of unfair behavior of the author, detection of plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data, the editorial board is guided by the COPE rules.
By "unfair behavior" the journal Informatiks means any actions of a scientist, including improper handling of objects of study or deliberate manipulation of scientific information, when it ceases to reflect observed research, as well as the behavior of a scientist that does not meet accepted ethical and scientific standards.
19. Correction of errors and withdrawal of the article
In case of detection of errors in the text of the article that distort the results of the research, or in the case of plagiarism, detection of unscrupulous behavior of the author (authors) associated with falsification and/or fabrication of data, the article may be withdrawn. The revocation of an article can be initiated by the Editorial board, author, organization, or individual.
The withdrawn article is marked with the sign "The article is withdrawn", the article page contains information about the reason for the withdrawal of the article. Information about the revocation of an article is sent to the databases in which the journal is indexed.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The article has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted for review and publication in another journal.
The file of the submitted article is presented in the format of a Microsoft Word document. If you are using Word 2007, save the file in .doc format (1997-2003).
Full internet addresses (URLs) are provided for links where applicable.
The text of the manuscript is formatted in accordance with the Rules for Authors.
The article does not include materials that are not subject to publication in the open press, in accordance with applicable regulations.
By submitting an article to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, you agree to unilateral blind peer review.
Copyright Notice
Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following:
1. The authors retain the copyright for the work and grant the journal the right to first publish the work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to redistribute the work with the obligatory retention of links to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.
2. The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual agreements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the work (for example, placing it in the institute's repository, publication in a book), with reference to its original publication in this journal.
3. Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet before and during the review process by this journal, as this may lead to productive discussion and more links to this work (see The Effect of Open Access).
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered on the website of the Informatiks journal will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by this journal and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other persons and organizations.
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)