Analysis of acoustic voice parameters for larynx pathology detection
About the Authors
M. I. VashkevichBelarus
Maxim I. Vashkevich, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor of Computer Engineering Department
A. A. Burak
Anton A. Burak, Student
N. S. Kanoika
Natallia S. Kanoika, Head of the Phoniatric Department
V. S. Daldova
Valeria S. Daldova, Phoniatrist of the Phoniatric Department
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For citations:
Vashkevich M.I., Burak A.A., Kanoika N.S., Daldova V.S. Analysis of acoustic voice parameters for larynx pathology detection. Informatics. 2020;17(1):78-86. (In Russ.)