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Sum code family formation method with undetectable error minimum in data vectors


The research results of the methods for formation of separable sum codes with the minimum number of undetectable errors in data vectors are presented. A formula for counting the number of undetectable errors in data vectors and codes family properties are given. A universal method for formation of such codes is shown, which makes it possible for each value of the data vector length to obtain a whole family of codes that also have different distributions of undetectable errors by type and multiplicity. An example of codes formation, methods for analyzing characteristics, code comparison are presented. A method for synthesizing coders of developed sum codes is suggested. 

About the Authors

D. V. Efanov
"LocoTech-Signal" LLC; Russian University of Transport
Russian Federation
D. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of the Direction of Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems, "LocoTech-Signal" LLC; Professor of "Automation, Remote Control and Communication on Railway Transport" Department, Russian University of Transport

V. V. Sapozhnikov
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Russian Federation
D. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of "Automation and Remote Control on Railways" Department

Vl. V. Sapozhnikov
Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
Russian Federation
D. Sci. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of "Automation and Remote Control on Railways" Department


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For citations:

Efanov D.V., Sapozhnikov V.V., Sapozhnikov V.V. Sum code family formation method with undetectable error minimum in data vectors. Informatics. 2019;16(3):101-118. (In Russ.)

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