Genetic search method for design calculation of dimensional chains
The method of genetic search for a solution of problems of design calculation of linear dimensional chains is offered. The method allows to select dimensional tolerances and deviation for achievement of closing link accuracy at complete and incomplete interchangeability with minimization of selection error. Representation of a linear dimensional chain in the form of feedforward neural network without feedback couplings with square function of activation for selection of dimensional tolerances and deviations is the cornerstone of a method. By genetic search the inputs of neural network will be transformed to chromosome genes. The method assumes a solution of a design problem of calculation of dimensional chains in the form of a problem of discrete optimization with restrictions. The offered method is oriented to automation of calculation of dimensional chains in computer-aided engineering systems of design and technological assignment. Comparative analysis of the offered method with traditional calculations shows that it allows to find solutions with minimal error for standard combinations of dimensional tolerances and deviations.
About the Author
V. V. FrolovUkraine
Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Assoc. Prof.
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For citations:
Frolov V.V. Genetic search method for design calculation of dimensional chains. Informatics. 2019;16(1):103-114. (In Russ.)