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E-health of Belarus: current state and perspective


The article is based on the report at the 2nd Congress of scientists of the Republic of Belarus. It considers the issues of national e-health and briefly reviews the market of information technologies for healthcare, the role of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in the informatization of healthcare, and the economic and social aspects of informatization. The article reviews current state of e-health in Belarus and perspective direction of e-health development in Belarus to provide a common information area for the healthcare by creating a centralized health information system by integration approach based on international standards HL7 FHIR, DICOM and others.

About the Authors

V. A. Lapicky
The United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of Belarus

Vladimir A. Lapicky - Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Deputy General Director for Research.

6, Surganova Str., 220012, Minsk

I. E. Tom
The United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Science of Belarus

Igar E. Tom - Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Head of Laboratory of Bioinformatics.

6, Surganova Str., 220012, Minsk


For citations:

Lapicky V.A., Tom I.E. E-health of Belarus: current state and perspective. Informatics. 2018;15(4):5-15. (In Russ.)

Views: 1193

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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)