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Synthesis of FPGA architectures of block lifting-based filter banks in quaternion algebra (part 2)


Nowadays the methodology for designing systems on a chip is based on highly parameterized IP               (itellectual property) components which provide a wide range of adjustment of resources, fixed point arithmetic data formats, and system performance for a specific application. The article describes a flexible technology for rapid prototyping of processor architectures for integer, invertible, paraunitary filter banks in quaternion algebra (Int-Q-PUFB) based on the FPGA Q-MUL IP-component as multiplication operator for quaternions on distributed arithmetic on adders. Implementation of Int-Q-PUFB on FPGA Xilinx Zynq 7010, with 8-channel 8x24 Int-Q-PUFB has a perfect reconstruction property of the input data for a fixed point format, small hardware resource utilization and a slight delay in the pipeline compared to the known solutions for CORDIC-processors and distributed arithmetic on the memory.

About the Authors

E. V. Rybenkov
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Eugene V. Rybenkov  – Assistant Professor,        Department of Computer Engineering.

6,  P.  Brovki  Str.,  220013, Minsk

N. A. Petrovsky
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics

Nick A. Petrovsky – Ph. D. (Engineering), Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering.

6, P. Brovki Str., 220013, Minsk


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For citations:

Rybenkov E.V., Petrovsky N.A. Synthesis of FPGA architectures of block lifting-based filter banks in quaternion algebra (part 2). Informatics. 2018;15(3):22-31. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1816-0301 (Print)
ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)