Modified method of proportional guidance in case of the limited sector of tracking of the control object
An improved variant of the algorithm realizing a method of proportional guidance for the control of hypersonic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in a limited sector of angular tracking associated with the aerodynamic target line is considered. The method provides stable guidance of the control object with angles of anticipation that do not exceed the maximum allowable limits. Analytic expressions describing the algorithm of calculation of guidance commands and correction signals adaptive to the motion parameters are given. The tracking and guidance of the UAVs are realized in a wide range of ranges, heights and speeds of the interception. The results of mathematical modeling of the problem of spatial interception of the aerodynamic target, as well as comparative analysis and preliminary estimation of accuracy of guidance of classical and modified variants of the method of proportional navigation are presented.
About the Authors
V. E. MarkevichBelarus
Vitaliy E. Markevich – Ph. D. (Engineering), Leader Scientist.
95/7, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220043, Minsk
V. V. Legkostup
Victor V. Legkostup – Post-Graduate Student of BSUIR, Junior Researcher.
95/7, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220043, Minsk
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For citations:
Markevich V.E., Legkostup V.V. Modified method of proportional guidance in case of the limited sector of tracking of the control object. Informatics. 2018;15(3):71-92. (In Russ.)