Reliability parameters calculation of restorable objects with regard to inaccuracies in the initial data
The method of reliability parameters calculation of objects with regard to inaccuracies of source data is provided. In this case, only restorable objects are considered, the reliability of which is ensured by structural redundancy with limited multiplicity. Such objects include on-board equipment of small spacecraft. Such reliability properties as uninterrupted operation, maintainability and their combinations are considered.
The model of reliability of restorable object with assumptions and restrictions is given. The analysis of simple and complex recoverable blocks of structural schemes of reliability taking into account the inaccuracies of initial data is carried out, and formulas for reliability calculation of blocks of structural schemes of reliability are given.
As an example of using the method, the results of reliability evaluation of a typical restorable object consisting of simple and complex blocks with loaded and unloaded reserves are presented.
About the Authors
L. I. KulbakBelarus
Leonid I. Kulbak - Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Associate Professor.
6, Surganovа Str., 220012, Minsk
T. S. Martinovich
Tatyana S. Martinovich – Researcher.
6, Surganovа Str., 220012, Minsk
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For citations:
Kulbak L.I., Martinovich T.S. Reliability parameters calculation of restorable objects with regard to inaccuracies in the initial data. Informatics. 2018;15(4):16-25. (In Russ.)