Web search results processing in an information support system for decision-making processes
Objectives. The problem of the web search results processing in an information support system for decision[1]making is solved in order to create and correct a meaningful description of a problem situation. An approach to solving this problem is proposed based on the use of thematic text corpora (collections of texts on a specific topic) as knowledge about the subject area, as well as a knowledge representation model based on verbal associations. When solving problems of the web search results processing in a decision-making information support system, five main goals are pursued: the formation of an extended description of a problem situation, the synthesis of a search prescription, an Internet search for information about decisions made, the synthesis of a retelling of the information found, and an assessment of the quality of the found analogues of the decisions made.
Methods. Methods of set theory, graph theory and mathematical linguistics are used.
Results. A mathematical model has been developed for the web search results processing in an information support system for decision making. The concepts of verbal association of words and texts, as well as pragmatically complete lexical structure, are formalized. The proven properties of such structures provide algorithmization of information processes in the model under consideration.
Conclusion. The approach to modeling is based on the formalization of the concepts of the informativeness of words, sentences, texts and the informativeness of verbal associations between them. As an implementation of the model proposed in the article, algorithms have been developed for creating a dictionary of pragmatically complete lexical structures, creating structural-lexical templates for sentences, texts and subject areas, synthesizing a brief retelling of the information found, and assessing the quality of the found analogues of the decisions made.
About the Authors
S. F. LipnitskyBelarus
Stanislav F. Lipnitsky, D. Sc. (Eng.), Chief Researcher
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
L. V. Stepura
Ludmila V. Stepura, Researcher Scientist
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
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For citations:
Lipnitsky S.F., Stepura L.V. Web search results processing in an information support system for decision-making processes. Informatics. 2024;21(3):94-105. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.37661/1816-0301-2024-21-3-94-105