Comparative analysis of single-board computers for the development of a microarchitectural computing system for fire detection
Objectives. The purpose of the work is to select the basic computing microplatform of the onboard microarchitectural computing complex for the detection of anomalous situations in the territory of the Republic of Belarus from space on the basis of artificial intelligence methods.
Methods. The method of comparative analysis is used to select a computing platform. A series of performance tests and comparative analysis (benchmarking) are performed on the selected equipment. The methods of comparative and benchmarking analysis are performed in accordance with the terms of reference to the current project.
Results. A comparative analysis and performance testing of Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and Cool Pi 4 Model B single-board computers, as well as AI-accelerator Google Coral USB Accelerator with Google Edge TPU have been performed. The comparative analysis showed that Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and Cool Pi 4 Model B fully meet the terms of reference to the current project. At the same time Cool Pi 4 Model B handles neural network calculations well, but four times slower than similar calculations on Google Coral USB Accelerator. Neural network computations on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B are 22 times slower than similar computations on the Google Coral USB Accelerator. Cool Pi 4 Model B outperforms Raspberry Pi 4 Model B by the factor of two to three for data copying and compression and almost six times faster for neural network computations.
Conclusion. Despite the fact that Raspberry Pi 4 Model B meets the terms of reference to the project as a computational basis, when developing an on-board microarchitectural computing system for detecting anomalous situations, it is worth using more powerful alternatives with built-in AI-accelerators (e.g., Radxa Rock 5 Model A) or with an additional external AI-accelerator (e.g., a combination of Cool Pi 4 Model B and Google Coral USB Accelerator). Using a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with an additional AI-accelerator is also acceptable and will speed up computations by several dozen times. AI-accelerators provide the fastest neural network computations, but there are features related to the novelty of the technology that will be explored in further development.
About the Author
D. A. PaulenkaThe United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Dzmitry A. Paulenka, Lead Software Engineer, Laboratory of Biomedical Images Analysis
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Paulenka D.A. Comparative analysis of single-board computers for the development of a microarchitectural computing system for fire detection. Informatics. 2024;21(2):73-85. (In Russ.)