Semantic models and tools for designing adaptive user interfaces of intelligent systems
Objectives. Models and tools for designing adaptive user interfaces for intelligent systems are being developed. The relevance is determined by the need to reduce overhead costs and development time for user interfaces and to provide their adaptation to the specific characteristics of the user of the intelligent system.
Methods. Existing approaches to designing user interfaces are being analyzed. A semantic model of an adaptive user interface for intelligent systems is proposed, implemented using a basic universal language for representing knowledge based on set theory and graph theory.
Results. An adaptive user interface model for intelligent systems has been developed, which includes a knowledge base model of the user interface, an agent-oriented model of the user interface, and a library of reusable components that provide integration of the user interface into both individual intelligent systems and intelligent systems groups. A method of transferring user interface components within an intelligent systems group during the operation of an intelligent system has also been developed.
Conclusion. Developed models and tools allow to simplify the reuse of user interface components together with knowledge base and problem-solving components in the design and development of individual intelligent systems, as well as in the design and development of a group of semantically compatible intelligent systems, ensuring automation of integration of user interfaces and their adaptation for each user. The developed set of user interface components has been included in a library of reusable user interface components. Further expansion of the set of components in the library and their integration into a group of semantically compatible intelligent systems is planned.
About the Author
M. E. SadouskiBelarus
Mikhail E. Sadouski - Researcher of Technical Sciences, the Department of Intelligent Information Technologies, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.
Brovki P. st., 6, Minsk, 220013
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For citations:
Sadouski M.E. Semantic models and tools for designing adaptive user interfaces of intelligent systems. Informatics. 2023;20(3):74-89. (In Russ.)