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Algorithm for preliminary processing of charge coupled devices array data based on the adaptive Wiener filter


The researcher should choose the modes of recording spectra which allow to achieve the highest accuracy of spectral measurements in remote sensing systems. When registering a signal from aircraft which provide maximum coverage of the studied area, it is important to obtain a signal with the maximum signal-to- noise ratio in a minimum time, since the accumulation of spectra samples for averaging is impossible. The paper presents the experimental results of determining the noise components (readout noise, photon, electronic shot, pattern noise) for a monochrome uncooled CCD-line detector Toshiba TCD1304DG (CCD – charge-coupled devices) with various conditions of spectrum registration: detector temperature, exposition. Obtained dependences of the noise components make it possible to estimate the noise level for well-known conditions of spectra registration. The algorithm for processing CCD data based on an adaptive Wiener filter is proposed to increase the signal-to-noise ratio by using a priori information about the statistical parameters of the noise components. Such approach has allowed to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of sky spectral brightness by 4–9 dB for exposure times. The practical application of the algorithm has reduced the uncertainty in the vegetation index NDVI by 1.5 times when recording the reflection spectra of vegetation from the aircraft in the nadir measurement geometry.

About the Authors

Hl. S. Litvinovich
A. N. Sevchenko Institute of Applied Physical Problems of Belarusian State University

Hleb S. Litvinovich, Junior Researcher

st. Kurchatova, 7, Minsk, 220045

I. I. Bruchkouski
A. N. Sevchenko Institute of Applied Physical Problems of Belarusian State University

Ilya I. Bruchkouski, Researcher

st. Kurchatova, 7, Minsk, 220045


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Litvinovich H.S., Bruchkouski I.I. Algorithm for preliminary processing of charge coupled devices array data based on the adaptive Wiener filter. Informatics. 2021;18(1):72-83. (In Russ.)

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