Logical minimization for combinatorial structure in FPGA
The paper describes the research results of application efficiency of minimization programs of functional descriptions of combinatorial logic blocks, which are included in digital devices projects that are implemented in FPGA. Programs are designed for shared and separated function minimization in a disjunctive normal form (DNF) class and minimization of multilevel representations of fully defined Boolean functions based on Shannon expansion with finding equal and inverse cofactors. The graphical form of such representations is widely known as binary decision diagrams (BDD). For technological mapping the program of "enlargement" of obtained Shannon expansion formulas was applied in a way that each of them depends on a limited number of k input variables and can be implemented on one LUT-k – a programmable unit of FPGA with k input variables. It is shown that a preliminary logic minimization, which is performed on the domestic programs, allows improving design results of foreign CAD systems such as Leonardo Spectrum (Mentor Graphics), ISE (Integrated System Environment) Design Suite and Vivado (Xilinx). The experiments were performed for FPGA families’ Virtex-II PRO, Virtex-5 and Artix-7 (Xilinx) on standard threads of industrial examples, which define both DNF systems of Boolean functions and systems represented as interconnected logical equations.
About the Authors
P. N. BibiloBelarus
Petr N. Bibilo, Dr. Sci. (Eng.), Professor
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
Yu. Yu. Lankevich
Yury Yu. Lankevich, Junior Researcher
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
V. I. Romanov
Vladimir I. Romanov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.)
st. Surganova, 6, Minsk, 220012
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For citations:
Bibilo P.N., Lankevich Yu.Yu., Romanov V.I. Logical minimization for combinatorial structure in FPGA. Informatics. 2021;18(1):7-24. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.37661/1816-0301-2021-18-1-7-24