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International standard HL7 FHIR as a working framework for development of common healthcare information space of the Republic of Belarus


The positions of theRepublicofBelarusin the field of ICT, the levels of medical data store and collection, HL7 FHIR standard are considered. International standard HL7 FHIR for the exchange of medical data, designed to improve the interaction of independent medical information systems and reduce the cost of developing interfaces. FHIR introduces the term Resource as the main unit of meaningful information for transferring and storing data, describes a set of information resources and a protocol for interacting with the resource store through a REST service or messaging. A fixed basic set of information resources is designed to cover 80 % of information scenarios. This standard is used in the national system of electronic prescriptions in theRepublicofBelarus.

About the Authors

K. I. Kostyuk
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Karolina I. Kostyuk, Software Engineer


A. V. Branitski
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Aliaksandr V. Branitski, Software Engineer


V. V. Roubo
The United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Vitaly V. Roubo, Head of the Sector for Developing Software Systems for Health Care


I. M. Nesterovich
Unitary Enterprise "Geoinformation Systems"

Irina M. Nesterovich, Software Engineer



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For citations:

Kostyuk K.I., Branitski A.V., Roubo V.V., Nesterovich I.M. International standard HL7 FHIR as a working framework for development of common healthcare information space of the Republic of Belarus. Informatics. 2020;17(4):83-91. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2617-6963 (Online)