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Intelligent robot chair with communication aid using TEP responses and higher order spectra band features


In recent years, electroencephalography-based navigation and communication systems for differentially enabled communities have been progressively receiving more attention. To provide a navigation system with a communication aid, a customized protocol using thought evoked potentials has been proposed in this research work to aid the differentially enabled communities. This study presents the higher order spectra based features to categorize seven basic tasks that include Forward, Left, Right, Yes, NO, Help and Relax; that can be used for navigating a robot chair and also for communications using an oddball paradigm. The proposed system records the eight-channel wireless electroencephalography signal from ten subjects while the subject was perceiving seven different tasks. The recorded brain wave signals are pre-processed to remove the interference waveforms and segmented into six frequency band signals, i. e. Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma 1-1 and Gamma 2. The frequency band signals are segmented into frame samples of equal length and are used to extract the features using bispectrum estimation. Further, statistical features such as the average value of bispectral magnitude and entropy using the bispectrum field are extracted and formed as a feature set. The extracted feature sets are tenfold cross validated using multilayer neural network classifier. From the results, it is observed that the entropy of bispectral magnitude feature based classifier model has the maximum classification accuracy of 84.71 % and the value of the bispectral magnitude feature based classifier model has the minimum classification accuracy of 68.52 %.

About the Authors

Sathees Kumar Nataraj
AMA International Univerisity Bahrain

Dr. Sathees Kumar Nataraj, Assistant Professor (Grade 3), the Department of Mechatronics Engineering,AMA International University,Bahrain. He received in Mechatronic Engineering Ph.D and Master of Science fromUniversity of Malaysia Perlis,Malaysia and Bachelor of Engineering from K. S. Rangaswamy College of Technology, India.

Paulraj Murugesa Pandiyan
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India

Prof. Dr. Paulraj Murugesa Pandiyan, Principal at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He holds a PhD in Computer Science and carries 32 years of Teaching Experience and more than 10 years of Research and Guiding Experience in the field of Neural Networks.

Sazali Bin Yaacob
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute

Prof. Dr. Sazali Bin Yaacob, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Spanish Institute, and also the head of Intelligent Automotive Systems Research Cluster focused on signal processing, driver behaviour, energy management. Received his BEng in Electrical Engineering fromUniversity ofMalaysia Perlis and later pursued his MSc in System Engineering atUniversity ofSurrey and PhD in Control Engineering fromUniversity of Sheffield,United Kingdom. He received Charted Engineer status by the Engineering Council,United Kingdom in 2005 and is also a member to the IET (UK).

Abdul Hamid bin Adom
School of Mechatronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid Adom, Professor in Mechatronic Engineering Program (RK24), School of Mechatronic Engineering at University of Malaysia Perlis. He received his B.E, MSc and PhD from Liverpool John Moores University, UK


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For citations:

Nataraj S.K., Pandiyan P.M., Yaacob S.B., Adom A.b. Intelligent robot chair with communication aid using TEP responses and higher order spectra band features. Informatics. 2020;17(4):92-103.

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